P5 Higher Chinese Composition exam practice

By February 7, 2024Misc
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Getting ready for your P5 Higher Chinese Composition exam? Here are some practice questions from Singapore schools that you can use.

I’ve categorised the composition questions according to the 2 main types of writing – situational writing (情境作文qing jing zuo wen) and continuous writing (完成文章 wan cheng zuo wen).

P5 Higher Chinese Composition need-to-know

Do note that you’ll be given one situational writing question and one continuous writing question during the actual Higher Chinese 高华 exam. This is similar to what you’ll get at the Primary 6 PSLE exam as well.

You’ll need to choose between the two and write a Chinese composition with more than 200 Chinese characters within a time limit of 50 mins.

P5 Higher Chinese Composition topics for situational writing 情境作文题目


  1. 一件让我惊喜的事: 你一直想要一样东西,但爸爸妈妈却以各种理由不答应给你买,令你感到失望。可是有一天,他们实现了你的愿望,让你感到又意外又开心,也让你体会到了父母的爱。
  2. 这件事改变了我对他的看法: 你一向对他没好感。后来发生了一件事,你没想到他竟然会帮助你解决问题。事后,你不但改变了对他的看法,而且还明白了一个道理。
  3. 我长大了: 虽然你今年已经五年级了,但你还是很没有责任感。后来发生了一件事,让你明白你已经长大了,要有责任感吗,懂得照顾别人。

P5 Higher Chinese Composition topics for continuous writing 完成文章题目


  1. 一个星期六的早上,我正在房间里做功课。突然,爸爸一脸严肃地走了进来…….
  2. 放学后,我到小贩中心吃午餐。当我买完食物回到座位时,突然听到…….
  3. 今天,我一早就来到学校。当我踏进课室时,课室里一个人也没有。这时,我注意到地上有一个东西。我仔细一看,发现那是…….

Which type of Higher Chinese Composition is easier?

This is a question that I often get from students and parents.

My advice to Primary 5 students is to spend more time practising continuous writing since the questions are often easier. However, spending more time on continuous writing does not equate to not practising situational writing at all. It’s always good to have a backup plan.

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