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How do you pass your Chinese composition in primary school?

If you are always having difficulty passing your Chinese compo, try out these tips below to help learn what you can do to pass your Chinese composition exam easily.

1. I can’t pass compo because I can’t write many Chinese characters

What do you usually do if you realise that you don’t know how to write a Chinese character or forget how to write it?

Do you leave out the word? Spell the hanyu pinyin? Use English? Or write similar-sounding words?

Not being able to write a lot of Chinese words will definitely affect the content of your composition as well as your expression score. Even so, you’ll still want to try to help your compo marker understand what you want to express.

Hence, instead of omitting the word that you can’t write in Chinese, you can use one of the other options.

Marks will still be deducted for your expression, but at least your marker can do away with the guesswork and understand your composition a bit better. When your compo makes more sense, you’re more likely to score slightly better.

How to pass your Chinese compo by knowing the right words:

If you’re facing the problem of not being able to write the correct Chinese characters, the easiest way to solve this problem is to learn how to write the Chinese characters that you don’t know.

How do you know the words that you don’t know?

Here’s a useful checklist that I’ve created for my class to prepare them for their Chinese composition exam. This wordlist covers all the common Chinese words you need to know in order to write common Chinese compo topics. Mastering all the words in this list will definitely help you write a better compo and pass your exam.

2. I can’t pass compo because I can’t express what I’m thinking in Chinese.

If you are used to speaking in English, you might have some problems finding the right words to express yourself or make grammatical mistakes when you are translating what you thinking from English to Chinese. This can also affect your expression score.

Luckily, there’s a trick to this!

How to pass Chinese compo with better expression

To avoid making unwanted mistakes in your Chinese grammar, try writing in short and simple sentences.

Learn common sentence structures in Chinese. and then practise using them to describe the events in your Chinese composition writings. Short and simple sentences will decrease your chances of making grammatical errors significantly and improve your overall compo scores.

3. Passing Chinese compo is hard because I don’t know what to write

If you failed Chinese composition because of a lack in content, you can try reading some Chinese model compositions for ideas and practise describing what you see in the pictures.

How to pass your compo by picking the right points:

A decent compo needs to have a good plot. If you are writing a picture composition, this means touching on all the important points that are portrayed in each picture.

To pass your Chinese compo, make sure that you’ve written the main points in each picture and do the two things I mentioned earlier on (Reduce the number of mis-spelled words and improve your expression).

A good guideline for the number of sentences to write for each picture is 3. As long as you can write at least 3 sentences to describe the main event that’s taking place in each picture, passing your Chinese compo will not be a problem.


Now that we’ve gone through the main problems that might have caused you to fail Chinese composition writing and learn what you can do to get a passing grade for your primary school Chinese compo, don’t forget to try them out and let me know how it went.

All the best!

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