What are SAP schools?
In case you’re not sure what SAP means, SAP stands for “Special Assistance Plan”.
Singapore SAP schools get support from the Singapore government to promote Chinese language and culture, adding to our diverse identity. Under the special assistance plan, students of these school will get the opportunity to undergo specific programmes that are designed to cultivate their strengths in their mother tongue language.
Even though official school rankings are no longer available, many of these schools are still considered the top schools in Singapore by parents. Consequently, they believe it’s a good bet for their child’s success in school.
Before delving into the advantages of sending your child to a SAP primary school and other considerations, let’s take a look at the SAP primary schools in Singapore.
Here’s a list of all the 15 SAP primary schools in Singapore grouped by location.
Singapore primary schools under the Special Assistance Plan
Schools in the South of Singapore
Schools in the East of Singapore
West of Singapore
Central Singapore
Source: MOE School Finder
Advantages of being in a SAP primary school
Now, let’s see why some parents prefer SAP schools over regular schools:

- English and Chinese are studied as first languages in SAP schools. This can give your child a competitive advantage in being effectively bilingual.
- SAP schools focus more on cultural values, helping to nurture your child’s character and life attitude.
- Some SAP primary schools have an affiliation* with a SAP secondary school, increasing your child’s chance of getting in after their Primary 6 PSLE exam.
- They might offer the Gifted Education Programme (GEP) for selected students.
- More resources and opportunities are available.
- Your child’s social circle and friends can have a positive impact.
Despite these advantages, there are 2 critical factors that you need to think about before deciding to put your child in a SAP school in Primary 1 – their character and interest. These will greatly determine how happy your child’s primary school experience will be.
*Catholic High School (Primary Section) is affiliated to Catholic High School (Secondary)
*CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ School (Primary Section)is affiliated to CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ School (Secondary)
*Holy Innocents’ Primary Schoolis affiliated to Holy Innocents’ High School
*Maha Bodhi School is affiliated to Manjusri Secondary School
*Maris Stella High School (Primary Section) is affiliated to Maris Stella High School (Secondary)
*Nanyang Primary Schoolis affiliated to Nanyang Girls’ High School
Is studying in a SAP primary school a good idea?

Ask yourself: Can your child manage their time well? Do they have good support at home? SAP schools have more programs, which can mean more exciting learning but also more stress for both you and your child.
Also, consider your child’s interest and ability in the Chinese language. SAP schools might start Higher Chinese as early as Primary 1. It’s a great opportunity if your child is good at it, but if they struggle, it could be tough.
In the end, the decision depends on what you want for your child and how well you understand them. A regular primary school in Singapore with a good learning environment can be just as good.
If you’re unsure, you can start with a regular school in Primary 1 and see how your child does. If they truly enjoy learning Chinese and excel in the subject, you can consider letting them join a SAP secondary school after Primary 6. Your child’s happiness is what matters most.