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Good Chinese composition endings are hard to come by.

When it comes to ending a Chinese composition, many students often struggle with what to write. (It’s just like starting their compo.) In the end, some choose to conclude the entire story with one sentence, while others dedicate 2 to 3 paragraphs just for the end. Both ways of ending the compo leaves you hanging.

Common Chinese composition endings mistakes

For those who end their fabulous story with a sentence. It’s can feel very abrupt and anti-climatic to the reader. How would you feel if you are heavily invested in a story and then it suddenly ends? Feels like the author doesn’t really care much about you, right?

And for those whose ending go in the reverse direction of short and sweet, they risk the chance of writing out of point.

Frankly, your Chinese teachers in school are probably not looking for a bombastic ending. What they hope to see is simply a well-written ending that completes the story.

What makes a Chinese composition ending good?

A good Chinese composition ending needs to have 2 characteristics.

First, it has to address the problem in the story, and then it has to offer the solution to it.

If we were to think about it, every composition starts with a problem. As you are writing the story, what you are actually doing is to describe how the main character goes about solving it.

To write the best Chinese composition ending that you can, always go for a simple and complete conclusion that ties up all loose ends in your story.

Example of good Chinese composition endings

To help you have a better idea of how to end your Chinese Composition perfectly, here’s a video that I’ve created for my school kids in Chinese class.

Hopefully this can help you learn how to write a good Chinese Composition ending step by step too. Note the useful Chinese compo ending phrase that can be used for most compo!

Let me know if my tips helped you add that perfect touch to your Chinese composition in the comments below.



如果你时常卡在作文作文结尾,不知道要写些什么好,别担心!今天朱老师会教大家怎么为你的看图作文写一段好的结尾,带出最后一张图片的重点。学完了 以后,大家就能轻轻松松地为自己的作文写结尾了!

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