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In Primary 3, your child will be introduced to Chinese composition writing (also known as 看图作文 “kan tu zuo wen”) in school.

Let’s explore how writing Chinese compositions in this new phase differs from what they’ve experienced in Primary 2 and learn how we can better support their growth as young writers.

What is expected for P3 Chinese Compositions

Hopefully, your P3 child has mastered basic sentence writing, because in Primary 3 (P3), they’ll expand on this skill and start writing in paragraphs.

Children in Primary 3 will be given 4 composition pictures and they are expected to write a simple, well-structured Chinese composition based on what they see. What they write should hit a minimum word count of 80. However, it’s important to remind our children not be overly concerned with the number of words in their compos. Instead, they should be focusing on the content of their Chinese composition and how they write the story.

As parents, we play a crucial role in nurturing our children’s writing abilities. Creating a positive and supportive environment will boost their confidence and enthusiasm for learning. For this phase, we want to encourage them to learn how to express themselves with the right vocabulary and grammar in Chinese.

Here are a few examples of picture-based compositions for Primary 3 that you can use to help guide them on their P3 Chinese composition writing journey:

P3 Chinese composition pictures and samples

These Primary 3 Chinese composition topics have been carefully picked according to what’s commonly seen and tested in primary school exams in Singapore. The composition examples are written by real P3 students that I’ve taught using the basic vocabulary that they’ve learnt in school.

Hopefully with these samples, you can understand the basic requirements better.

P3 Chinese compo example 1 – 《诚实的小明》






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P3 Chinese compo example 2 – 《不再顽皮了》





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P3 Chinese compo example 3 – 《贪吃的后果》






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To make full use of these Chinese composition samples for Primary 3, be sure to study to their sentence structure, vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation. You can then develop your own writing skills from there.

Besides that, try to think critically about the writing as you are reading them. Why did the writer choose a particular word? How did the author organize their ideas? Answering these questions can also help you develop the critical thinking skills you need for life.

How to improve your Chinese composition – free consultation

If you are worried about your child’s composition writing skills and unsure about how to help them improve their Chinese composition, I can help.

Send me a sample copy of your child’s Chinese compo, along with the pictures and get a free assessment on the area to work on for immediate results.

Hopefully, this post has helped you in one way or another in terms of writing a Chinese composition for Primary 3.

Let me know if you have any other questions about improving your Chinese composition in the comments below.

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